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Sorting listings

There are several ways to sort listings. (NOTE: Reports keep the same sort order you specify when viewing listings.)

TIP: You can customize the default sort order by modifying the Sort By and Then By fields in your Agent Preferences.

To sort by clicking a column heading

  1. In the Display field, make sure the One Line Grid format is selected. (NOTE: If you want to view listings using a different display format, use one of the methods described below to sort listings.)
  1. Click the column heading that you want to sort by. To reverse the sort order (ascending to descending), click the column heading again.

To sort listings in any display format

  1. Locate the Sort Options box on the right side of the page (expand the Options pane, if necessary).

  1. Use the Sort By and Then By fields to specify how you want listings to be sorted. You can specify up to 3 levels of sorting.
  2. Click Go.

To sort listings in any order you wish

  1. Activate the Sort as Selected check box (at the bottom of the Sort Options box).

  1. Select (check) listings in the order you want them to be sorted. The listings are automatically numbered  as you select them.
  2. Click the icon, next to the Sort As Selected field, to redisplay the listings in the order you specified.
  3. You can manually change the sort order numbers to modify the sort order without re-selecting all of your listings.

TIP: Enable the Sort as Selected field in your Agent Preferences if you want the Sort as Selected feature to be activated by default when you view listings. In addition, you can customize the numeric increment that is automatically entered when you select listings using the Sort as Selected Increment field. Setting your default increment to greater than 1 (for example, to 5 or 10) makes it easier to modify the sort order when working with listings.

TIP: View the video tutorials under the "Search Results & Displays" section on the Learning Center for a quick overview of this feature. The Learning Center can also be accessed directly from the Help menu.

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